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Leach's Storm Petrel 2023
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 22-23
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Black-winged Kite 2023
Cleopatra 18-23
Long-tailed Blue 2023
Two-tailed Pasha 21-22
Two-tailed Pasha 2023
Vagrant Emperor 2023
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Locusta migratoria gallica 2023
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Sunday, October 4th, 2015
You had a dream about a Smartphone app: here it comes!
After several months of "real-life" trial (thanks to some of you), the application NaturaList is now ready for your use!   With NaturaList, recording sightings [...]
Tuesday, August 4th, 2015
On 5 September, a day at sea from Saint Jean de Luz is organized to discover, observe and understand pelagic birds: puffins, skuas, gulls, crazy, petrels ... and occasionally dolphins [...]
Thursday, January 17th, 2013
The synthesis of the 2012 WetLands International Census is available. Summary: In 2012, mid-January waterbird counts have been made on 423 sites, or a 98% coverage of the [...]
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012
Priceless or worthless?
IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) has just released a report on the 100 most threatened species in the world. Read the report online here (photo: [...]
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
Welcome to Aquitaine!
If you are discovering this site while visiting Aquitaine, please do not hesitate to register and transmit your sightings of our fauna. It is free, and the fresh outlook that you'll [...]

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Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Waxing Gibbous (9 days)
Moonrise at 17h18 and moonset at 0h08
 Sun : sunrise at 07h38 and sunset at 20h17
 Day : dawn at 07h09 and dusk at 20h47
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Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Les Rouchauds
European Roller 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Ile Nouvelle UG 05 Sans Pain nord
Glossy Ibises 
Marais d'Orx (Générique)
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 2 
White-winged Terns 
Eurasian Treecreeper 
Col Iratzabaléta
Iberian Green Woodpecker 
Le ruisseau d'Iratiko
Iberian Green Woodpecker 

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

La Malartrie
Alpine Swifts 
Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Olive Est (prairies)
Glossy Ibises 
UG 06 Domaine de Certes - Grands Réservoirs - 0m
Glossy Ibis 
UG 17 Domaine de Certes - Grande Taillade - 0m
Glossy Ibises 
Glossy Ibises 
Glossy Ibises 
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 75 
Cinereous Vultures 
La Barthe Ouverte
Glossy Ibises 
Acrocephalus-Warbler, unidentified 
Col d'Organbidexka
Iberian Green Woodpecker 
Port de Socoa
Common Eider 

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud)
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
White-winged Tern 
Col de Lizarrieta
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 1 
Iberian Chiffchaff 

Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Eurasian Stone-curlews 
Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Les Rouchauds
European Roller 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Greenland Wheatear 
Port ostreicole
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
UG 08 Domaine de Certes - Méandre
Caspian Terns 
Casier Sud secteur/zone sableuse
Greater Flamingos 
Marais d'Orx (Générique)
Greater Flamingos 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
White-winged Tern 
Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud)
Greater Flamingos 
Quai zone portuaire
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gull ('lusitanius') 
Little Bitterns 
Col de Curutcheta
Golden Eagles 
Jardin botanique littoral
Sardinian Warbler 
Iberian Green Woodpeckers 
Lac de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibises 
Lacot de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibises 
Port adhoc
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gull ('lusitanius') 
Sardinian Warbler 

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Red-necked Phalarope 
bassin ostréicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Little Bittern 
Sabine's Gull 
haut schorre IPA 4FJ
Caspian Tern 
Plage du Grand Crohot
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Pallid Harrier 
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 3 
Eleonora's Falcons 
Bézier-Maison du Marais (départ sentier)
Greater Flamingos 
Crête dunaire
Data to be submitted to the national homologation committee 1 
American Golden Plover 
Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud)
Glossy Ibises 
Greater Flamingos 
office du tourisme
Caspian Terns 
ourlet préforestier - Tarnos Métro
Sardinian Warbler 
Quai Maurice Ravel
Common Eider 
Ruisseau d'Arrious
Golden Eagle 
Saint-Jean-de-Luz - zone cotière < 1 mille
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Great Shearwater 
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 1 
Yelkouan Shearwater 
Vasière au S du pont SNCF
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 

Friday, September 6th, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Caspian Terns 
Port ostreicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
USN06-Gd Large OUEST-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Terns 
USN18- Lagune Avocette-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Tern 
Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud)
Glossy Ibis 
Marais d'Orx (Générique)
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
White-winged Tern 
Mimizan - zone cotière < 1 mille
Sabine's Gull 
Jardin public
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 
Lacot de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis 
Place de la Mairie
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 
Port de Larraldenia
Common Eider 
Sardinian Warbler 
Tourbière de Zarzagoiti
Eurasian Treecreeper 
Vasière au S du pont SNCF
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 

Thursday, September 5th, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
les Prés Noirs
Les Rouchauds
European Roller 
Sud de La Micalie
Eurasian Stone-curlews 
Etang David Allègre
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 10 
Greenland Wheatears 
Inra-Station de baguage
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 3 
Greenland Wheatears 
L'Âne Mort
Pointe des Quinconces
Caspian Terns 
Port ostreicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
USN13-Vasière Spatule- Réserve ornithologique
Glossy Ibises 
USN17-Lagune Quancard-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Tern 
Etang de Lasbouères
Red-crested Pochard 
lacs de Laroin
Glossy Ibises 
Port de Larraldenia
Common Eider 
Sommet de la Rhune
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Eurasian Dotterel 
Tourbière de Zarzagoiti
Eurasian Treecreeper 
Vasière au S du pont SNCF
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
Bancs de Bernet
Sabine's Gull 
bassin ostréicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Château Marzelle
Clos Cormey
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee ≥11 
Greenland Wheatears 
Pointe du Teich
Caspian Terns 
Port ostreicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud)
Glossy Ibises 
Greater Flamingos 
ourlet préforestier - Tarnos Métro
Sardinian Warblers 
Little Bitterns 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Aquatic Warbler 

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Le Pigeonnier
European Roller 
bassin ostréicole
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
European Storm Petrels 
USN18- Lagune Avocette-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Terns 
Odeyzu Gagna
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Eurasian Dotterel 
Port de Larraldenia
Common Eider 

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Spot Migration LPO
European Storm Petrels 
Quai zone portuaire
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 
Lac de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis 
Odeyzu Gagna
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
Eurasian Dotterel 
Pont St Esprit
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gull ('lusitanius') 
Port de Larraldenia
Common Eider 
Vasière au S du pont SNCF
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gulls ('lusitanius') 

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Sud de La Micalie
Eurasian Stone-curlews 
Spot Migration LPO
Data accepted by the national homologation committee 2 
Wilson's Storm Petrels 
European Storm Petrels 
Storm-Petrel, unidentified 
USN05-Gd Large CENTRE-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Tern 
Balcons de la Leyre
Little Bittern 
Glossy Ibises 
Bézier-Maison du Marais (départ sentier)
Greater Flamingos 
Glossy Ibis 
Etang de Lasbouères
Red-crested Pochard 
Camping Iraty
Eurasian Treecreeper 
Crêtes d'Organbidexka
Eurasian Treecreeper 
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 2 
Eurasian Dotterels 
Prairie humide amont (crena)
Wood Warbler 
Vasière du port
Cantabric Yellow-legged Gull ('lusitanius') 

Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Le Turançon
Red-crested Pochards 
Sud de La Micalie
Eurasian Stone-curlews 
Spot Migration LPO
European Storm Petrel 
USN05-Gd Large CENTRE-Réserve ornithologique
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
White-winged Tern 
USN18- Lagune Avocette-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Tern 
Col d'Organbidexka
Golden Eagles 
Lac de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis 
Lacot de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis 
Port de Larraldenia
Common Eiders 

Friday, August 30th, 2024

Caspian Tern 
Grand Crohot (N)
Data to be submitted to the regional homologation committee 1 
Eleonora's Falcon 
Spot Migration LPO
European Storm Petrels 
USN05-Gd Large CENTRE-Réserve ornithologique
Data accepted by the regional homologation committee 1 
White-winged Tern 
USN07-Marais Aigrette-Réserve ornithologique
Temminck's Stint 
USN18- Lagune Avocette-Réserve ornithologique
Caspian Terns 
Bézier-Maison du Marais (départ sentier)
Greater Flamingos 
Casier Sud secteur/zone sableuse
Glossy Ibises 
Golden Eagle 
Col d'Organbidexka
Golden Eagles 
Spot migration
Alpine Swifts 

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

océan au large du Banc d'Arguin
European Storm Petrels 
Storm-Petrels, unidentified 
Izadia (Lacs et domaine de la Barre)
Sardinian Warbler 
Lac de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis 
Lacot de l'Ayguelongue
Glossy Ibis is brought to you by LPO-Aquitaine (433 chemin de Leysotte, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, 44°47'11"N 0°34'46"W)Access map
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